Bay Creek Neighborhood Association

BCNA Meeting Minutes for Monday, March 12, 2001


Officers Present: Anonymous, Candace Pantoga, Kyle Richmond, Amy Turner, Jim Winkle, Jennifer Zahn

Guests Present: Gary Amburn, Chris Hart, Betty & Darwin Karpinski, Bob Lockhart, Annette Sarnecki, Jodi Wortsmon


The meeting began at 6:35 pm.

Facilitator: Kyle Richmond

Minute Taker: Jennifer Zahn


Committee Reports



Contact Person

Documents and news shared about the following organizations and events:


Some discussion on the following:










Announcements / Discussion

Bob Lockhart attended the sidewalk repairs meeting at St Mary’s conference room. If your sidewalk is 3/4” out of line, it will be marked, torn up and repaired by the city. City pays half; you pay half. $75 / block of concrete equals the estimated homeowner’s share. Additionally, trees that are in the terrace (grassy platform between sidewalk and the street) may be removed by the city arborist if it’s determined that the tree roots are disturbing the sidewalks. Trees on your property that are disturbing the sidewalks are the homeowner’s responsibility.


There may be pictures of future BCNA gatherings posted to the web and in the newsletter.


As spring arrives, neighborhood residents are encouraged not to use chemical fertilizers and lawn treatment services. Rain run-off drives most fertilizers into the bay and surrounding lakes, essentially feeding the lake weeds. Many lawn and garden care alternatives are available to replace the need for chemical services. Contact the Madison EcoTeams office at (608) 250-3080 for more information. See also Jim Winkle's article.


Yard / Rummage Sale Plan

Discussion on moving September BCNA Rummage Sale to spring, tying in with spring cleaning. BCNA would still like to keep the connection with St Mark’s sale. Chris Hart will bring this up with St Mark’s. Rummage Sale planners include Jim Winkle, Amy Turner and Chris Hart. Contact one of them to get involved.


Volunteer Recruitment and Training Discussion

Led by Jodi Wortsmon, South Metropolitan Planning Council Volunteer Coordinator

Agenda included:

Jodi will compile notes and share with the group at the April 9th BCNA meeting.


Next Meeting Facilitator

Jim Winkle


The meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.

More Meeting Minutes

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