
This page lists methods to contact:

Contacting (or be contacted by) Bay Creek residents

There are three methods to connect with Bay Creek residents online. These each have a different focus, outlined below. You might also want to subscribe to the alder's email list; see their website below.

  1. The Bay Creek Calendar of Events (on Google Calendar): Learn about and participate in neighborhood meetings and events.

    Use your browser to view it on the Bay Creek website and/or use your Calendar app to view it on your smart phone.

    Here are instructions for subscribing to it for Google Calendar and Yahoo Calendar. (You can add it to other calendars, too; look in your calendar's documentation or search the web for it.) You can configure how you want to receive notifications (email, popup, etc.). You'll need the calendar's address (cut/paste this); it's:

  2. The Bay Creek Email List (on Read or post neighborhood news and announcements, or discuss neighborhood issues through the Bay Creek email list.

    You'll use email for this list, and here is how it works. After you subscribe to this list, you can send an email message to a single address that will be distributed to all other subscribers. Likewise, when someone else posts a message, you'll receive it via email.

    To subscribe to this, use the website. You'll receive a welcoming message back with instructions (within a day) with a confirmation request to which you should respond. Check your SPAM folder if you don't see it. After your membership has been approved, you may post a message by sending email to . If you ever wonder if an email you sent was received properly or want to look at past messages, you can simply check the archives.

    Please read the short document Guidelines for Civil Discourse before joining.

    People have reported that they don't want anyone selling products or services, so please refrain from that.

    Here are Frequently Asked Questions for the email list.

  3. The Bay Creek Facebook Groups: Positive communication, neighborly connections, and information for those living in the Bay Creek Neighborhood.

    You'll use Facebook for these; sign up if you don't have an account. Once you have an account, join one or both of the following, depending on your interest. Please read the short document Guidelines for Civil Discourse before joining. Make sure to answer the membership questions!

    Ask to join by clicking "Join Group". When someone approves your request you can read what others have posted, or post your own messages/pictures and other neighbors will see them.

    People have reported that they don't want anyone selling products or services, so please refrain from that.

Contacting Members of the Bay Creek Neighborhood Council

The Bay Creek Neighborhood Council consists of officers, area reps, and standing committee chairs.


Contact PersonCindy McCallum608-212-7934
Recording SecretaryChris Lukas314-601-1380 
TreasurerJudy Robinson608-469-1218Your suggested $10 annual dues or other donation can be brought to a meeting, or paid with a credit card through PayPal:

Area Reps

Area 1: Wingra West of Park StreetManuel Ramminger608-444-9542
Area 2: Northwestern RR Tracks East to Olin-Turville ParkKirstin Bloy608-770-4935
Area 3: Northwestern RR Tracks West to Park Street for Lakeside St and Monona BayJay Jurado608-960-7020
Area 4: Central AreaAlex Elias973-803-9716
Area 5: Tree StreetsJenny Hayes608-630-9102
Area 6: Romnes ApartmentsDawn Rohde608-207-6583

Standing Committees

Newsletter CommitteeNatalie Eisner, Managing Editor-
Welcoming and Recruitment CommitteeDoug Noot608-663-8323
Planning & Economic DevelopmentLisie Kitchel608-220-5180
Web CommitteeJim Winkle. See instructions if you want to have an agenda item added to a meeting and posted on the website608-259-1812
Transportation CommitteeCarrie Rothburd608-467-7170
SMPC RepresentativeCindy McCallum608-212-7934

Other Bay Creek Contacts (not Neighborhood Council positions)

Newsletter Committee Judy Robinson, Advertising (ad details here)608-469-1218
Kirk Elliott, Distribution608-255-5646
Ad hoc Bylaws Committee Chris Wagner, chair -

Contacting Your Representatives in Government


  Title Name & Web site Email Phone
City of Madison Alder (City Council district 13) Tag Evers; subscribe to the alder's blog 608-424-2580
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway 608-266-4611
County of Dane County Board Member (district 23) Chuck Erickson 608-212-8753
Executive Joe Parisi 608-266-4114
State of Wisconsin State Assembly Representative Shelia Stubbs 608-266-3784
State Senator Kelda Roys 608-266-1627
Governor Tony Evers 608-266-1212
National U.S. House of Representatives Marc Pocan Click on "Contact" 608-258-9800
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Click on "Contact" 414-276-7282
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Click on "Contact" 608-264-5338


  Title Name & Web site Email Phone
South Metropolitan Planning Council Facilitator website 608-819-8549
Police department Liaison officer Turner Kirchberg -

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