Madison's First City Pool

Photo of pool in Nov, 2005

Madison's first city pool opened June 12, 2006 in Goodman Park (formerly Franklin Field). This page is mostly about the process the neighborhood underwent and is quickly becoming dated. The City has information about the pool on their website (hours, fees, classes, etc.).

The first neighborhood meeting was held December 7, 2004 and was well attended. The majority of people were in favor of the pool.

Pool graphic The city has analyzed the input gathered from the first meeting, and generated a new graphic which was presented at the second (February 3) meeting. Here are two versions of it:

Current versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape both support expanding/shrinking the graphic, which you might need to view the details (unless you have a huge monitor).

Overall, people at the second meeting seemed very satisified with the plan. There were several suggestions made, including:

The city will consider these and other ideas that came up at the meeting.

Here are some relevant newspaper articles, most recent first. There are more; search for all articles with the words "pool goodman" in the Cap Times/Wisconsin State Journal.

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