DRAFT Minutes for the May, 2023 Bay Creek Neighborhood Association Meeting

At the monthly Bay Creek Neighborhood Association Meeting on Thursday, May 12th 2023, Kirstin Bloy, acting as facilitator, noted the attendance of BCNA voting members (A for absent, P for present):

Cindy McCallum --A
Andrew Maier -- A
Judy Robinson --P
Manuel Ramminger --P
Kirstin Bloy -- P
Janelle Munns --P
Alex Elias --P
Jenny Hayes --A
John Beeman --P
Judy Robinson --P
Kirk Elliott --P
Doug Noot --A
Lisie Kitchel --P
Jim Winkle --P
Carrie Rothburd --P

* Approve minutes of previous meeting(s). (5 min)
- Lisie Kitchell proposed a motion to approve the minutes with an amendment saying Kirchberg was not present. Jim Winkle seconded, and the motion passed informally without quorum.
* Presentation of proposal for Starbucks to occupy 1609 S. Park St with discussion about plans to convert the Arby's building at 1609 S. Park to a Starbucks. (Developer Galway and Kirstin, facilitator, 20 min)
* Alder report. (Tag, 15 min) Tag does not plan to waive the 30-day Pre-Application Notification of Intent (related to the 1609 S. Park St agenda item)
* Updates from committees: Planning & Economic Development, Transportation, SMPC liaison, Contact Person, Newsletter, Welcoming/Recruitment, Web, etc.
* Proposal to have our annual BCNA potluck at noon on July 4th, in the shelter behind the Goodman Pool? (Kirk, 10 min)
* Pros and cons of subgroups on the BCNA listserv -- Consider whether to pilot a single subgroup on a neutral and potentially widely appealing topic (such as a gardeners' info exchange) to learn more about how subgroups work and to test out their applicability to BCNA. (Barb and Cindy, 20 minutes)
* Zoom Transcript follow-up (Carrie and Judy, 10 min)
- Judy proposed extending the length of the BCNA meeting by five minutes to accommodate the topic, and Jay Jurado seconded. No vote was taken.

There was no quorum, and no formal action was taken beyond the discussion of agenda items.

Kirstin agreed to facilitate the next meeting, and then a motion was passed to adjourn the meeting.

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