DRAFT Minutes for the March, 2023 Bay Creek Neighborhood Association Meeting

At the monthly Bay Creek Neighborhood Association Meeting on Thursday, March 9th, Kirstin Bloy, acting as facilitator, ran the elections for BCNA Council positions. The results were as follows:

Contact - Cindy McCallum (uncontested)
Secretary - Andrew Maier (uncontested)
Treasurer - Judy Robinson (15 votes to 5)
Area Rep 1 - Manuel Ramminger (uncontested)
Area Rep 2 - Kirstin Bloy (uncontested)
Area Rep 3 - Janelle Mums (uncontested)
Area Rep 4 - Alex Elias (uncontested)
Area Rep 5 - Jenny Hayes (uncontested)
Area Rep 6 - John Beeman (uncontested)
P&ED Chair - Lisie Kitchel (uncontested)
Transportation Chair - Carrie Rothburd (uncontested)
Welcome Chair - Doug Noot (uncontested)
Image & Signs Chairi (uncontested)
Web Chair - Jim Winkle (uncontested)
Newsletter Chair - Stanley Jackson (uncontested)
SMPC Liaison - Cindy McCallum (uncontested)

Cindy McCallum introduced a motion: "a committee should be formed to review the BCNA bylaws. The committee shall consist of Bay Creek residents." After discussion and ammendments, the following resolution was passed: an ad-hoc committee will be created to clarify, update, and revise the BCNA bylaws, as necessary, for the duration of a year.

A motion passed to have Jim Winkle write an article in the newsletter advertising a neighborhood yard sale and to seek help organizing it.

A motion to extend the meeting's duration to 8:33PM passed to allow continued discussion of agenda items.

There was discussion with no votes about All Metals Recycling, the new supermarket, a neighborhood yard sale, and BCNA's organizational culture and practices.

A motion passed to adjourn the meeting shortly after 8:33PM.

Jim Winkle agreed to facilitate the next meeting.

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