The Bay Creek Neighborhood Association Minutes for October 13, 2003

Facilitator: Judy Robinson

Ben stated in advance that he would record our meeting unless anyone objected, for his research concerning meetings and how they happen. There were no objections.

Treasurer: 808.44 Total

Membership: 341.81

Newsletter: Everyone agreed the new layout person Renee Meiller did a fantastic job with the newsletter.

Kimi needed help picking up newsletters from the printer. Judy Robinson offered to pick up newsletters from the printer and Kimi will still distribute to route heads as she did before.

There is a grad student from the UW studying Landscape Design interested in doing a project featuring our neighborhood. His name is Sasha Koehm; he would like to come to meetings to discuss his plans.

It is possible we could form a committee to work with him.

We voted yes to have him come to the November meeting.

Welcoming Committee: Brochures are available for Julie to pick up for the Welcome Committee. Large amounts are in the Winkles basement ready to go.

Peg applied for the Community Grant, and got it! This grant strengthens Community involvement, it meshes differently-abled people to make a difference in your neighborhood. Peg''s ideas include informal instruction, a potter, storytellers, enjoying each other''s company. This fun event is planned for April/May, on the great lawn of Romnes.

Kyle announced he is running for County Board again, he sent around info about his campaign. Other hot topics he hit on were Rain Gardens, the Poultry Underground, Phosphorus ban, which is underway. Call/write for input,

Other concerns discussed were: Zoning, Urban Planning, Land Conservation, Human Service Board, County Budget -- to be decided before Thanksgiving, No limitations in Middleton for planning and it shows, and the merging of Parks and Planning development.

Cuts in Human Services-6 million, big Autism funding, developmental disabilities, Planned Parenthood, Transit for Elderly, Aids Network.

Annette spoke of the Neighborhood Conference she went to: commonalities are Lakes, Sprawl, Transportation, Diversity, etc. She had a petition from them for the Mayor requesting him to support and respect neighborhood activists and listen to them, vs. a developer. We welcomed the idea and signed the petition.

Spaghetti Dinner event coming up. A meatball making party will be held at Romnes Apartments Saturday Oct 13 @11 AM.

A Monona Bay display board created by Annette will help guests see what Friends of Monona Bay have been up to.

Richard, owner of Quintessence spoke about occurrences of distressing behavior, parking regulations routinely ignored for handicapped parking, time limit, school buses, and yellow curbs. Quintessence Customers who are intimidated and/or can''t find parking, just drive by. Sounds and sub woofers are too loud to conduct normal business. He finds trash daily around his business. There was open discussion for problem solving.

Suggestions were: discussion for mediation with a neighborhood member, police, landlord, and tenant. Another idea came from Dave a business owner who said that he believes that garbage degrades the environment visually, and that he personally picks up trash around his buildings. Kyle thinks neighborhood involvement should happen. Our mutual opinion was that if anyone sees a problem there or anywhere else, feel free to call: Officer Mike McCoy at 266-5938 from 6A-2P or

You can also call the precinct at 255-2345.

Next Facilitator for November will be Jim Winkle.


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