A. Secretary – The secretary was not present so there were no minutes for the last meeting to be approved.
B. Contact
a. Magic Child Daycare on Potter St. is proposing to move down the block in order to accommodate more children. This is going before a city committee for consideration.
b. Bob Stoffs (neighbor and MGE employee) has offered to answer questions and concerns regarding the proposed UW/MGE cogeneration power plant on the UW campus.
c. Copps is taking over the Kohl´s food store on Park St.
d. Earth Week Challenge – April 19 or 26 – proposal to do cleanup around the Bay/Bernie´s Beach from 10 – 12.
e. Mike McCoy is the new neighborhood police officer. His hours are 6:00 am to 2:00 pm.
C. Treasurer –Balances: $351.74 membership, $434.30 newsletter, $245.25 sign, $85.45 website
D. Sign/Banner Committee – submitted grant proposal
E. Alder report
a. Olin bridge will be coming down this summer. The exact start date is not known but construction will be completed this year.
b. Beld St. bridge may not be done this year due to escalating costs due to some telecommunication cables under the bridge
c. Reconstruction of a section of Park St that had been scheduled to take place has been cancelled for the time being due to the State budget. The City is looking at other possibilities for funding it.
d. Klinke Cleaners is considering purchase of the Valvoline Oilchange site. They are proposing construction of drive up dry cleaner and two other commercial units. The proposal is for the building to be flush with the sidewalk with parking in the rear. This will probably be going before the Plan Commission later this month.
e. Harley Fest – The city will be reimbursed for all its expenses for traffic, policing, cleanup, etc. The city will also receive approximately $20,000 in fees for use of Olin Park.
f. Newsletter – Deadline for submissions for the April/May issue is March 14. Submissions may be sent to Judy Robinson (251-6661).
A. Annual yard sale – it was proposed that the date be moved from September to May or June. The discussion centered around whether the announcement needed to be in two newsletters or whether one would be sufficient.
B. There will be two mayoral debates in or near the neighborhood on March 19 and 26. Details can be found on the website.
C. Quann community gardens – there are two sign ups – one is in early April.
D. At the border of our two neighborhoods sits a great opportunity for creative collaboration between our neighborhoods and the library system. We'd like to create a colorful mural on the library warehouse building on Beld Street. We already have a representative from Bram's Addition, South Branch Library, and the folks in the red trucks who deliver books to all the libraries. We would like a representative from Bay Creek to join our discussion. The next meeting will be very soon--would you like to join us? Please email Sarah King at sellenking@yahoo.com with any questions.
E. Kohl´s closing – Copps has purchased the Kohl´s food store and will be closing the store for about 6 weeks for remodeling. Candace will write an article regarding options for people in the neighborhood that don´t drive. Some suggestions included Women´s transit and shopping at some of the other smaller food stores such as the asian markets.
F. Leadership College - The new Grassroots Leadership College is having its first leadership development program to begin in April. For more information contact Jean Nielsen, Facilitator/Administrator
South Metropolitan Planning Council
2322 South Park Street (mailing address)
2304 South Park Street (office address)
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: 608-261-9928; FAX: 608-261-5664
E-mail: smpc@terracom.net
G. The Romnes Apartments mealsite coordinator resigned and they are looking for a new one. Hours are 10:00 am to 1:00 pm daily.
H. Friends of Monona Bay –Have two projects in development
a. The DNR Citizen Lake Self-Help program - The goals of the program are to educate citizens and collect data on lakes throughout the state. The first year of the program involves only testing for water clarity. Lake testers make a commitment to test water clarity every other week. This is done using a black and white secchi disk, measuring the depth at which the disc can no longer be seen when submerged in the water. Because vision will vary between testers, it's ideal if the same tester always monitors the same location; this will ensure consistency in the data. Testing is generally conducted when the weather is safe and comfortable enough -- June through September is most common. After testing for one year, we'd have the opportunity to apply for a grant which would pay for additional supplies and services to monitor the water for phosphorus and chlorophyll (five times a year), clarity and temperature. If anyone is interested in participating in the water clarity testing, they can contact Annette Czarnecki (250-5147), Ben Kadel (250-6665), or Jeff Swiggum (257-0049)
b. Stake in the Lakes – The Friends of Monona Bay will be coordinating a Stake in the Lakes event on June 21. This will include clean up around the Bay followed by a party at the Brittingham Park shelter with food, fun, games, demonstrations, and more. For information contact Jeff Swiggum (257-0049).
Next meeting April 14 – Maureen Quinlan will facilitate.
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