Notes Bay Creek Meeting September 10, 2001
Planning for October Transportation Meeting
Daina Zemliauskas will be looking at food donated from Kohls
The business portion of meeting would be about 15 minutes. During this portion of the meeting each committee would provide a summary that addressed the following questions: Where have they been? What they have done? Goals for next year? Volunteer opportunities? There would be sign up sheets for the committees.
Committees and people who will discuss them:
Banner/Signs ?
Rummage Sale, Neighborhood Picnic, Block Captain, Events
Web Committee—Jim
Transportation forming —Jim
Mentioned area reps can put flyers around neighborhood. There will be an article in the Bay Creek Newsletter and everyone will ask five people.
There would be a meeting in March that would be more of a brainstorming session to generate ideas and prioritize--priorities for coming year.
October: Membership recruitment—Big Draw Meeting
January: Potluck/Social
February: Voting/Business meeting
March: Kickoff—brainstorm priorities
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