Bay Creek Neighborhood Association

BCNA Meeting Minutes for Monday, June 11, 2001


Officers Present: Amy Turner, Candace Pantoga, Jennifer Zahn


Members Present: Darwin Carpenter, Betty Carpenter, Theresa MacDonald, Cyndi Bryan, Kristin Bryan, Kyle Richmond, Ben Kadel, Jim Winkle, Maureen Quinlan, Bob Lockhart, Mike Mack, Gary Amburn, Jerry Bridgman, Julian Alexander (the newest Bay Creek member we know of!), Anonymous


Guests Present: Stephanie Smith, Hearts & Hands Across South Madison


The meeting began at 6:30 pm.

Facilitator: Maureen Quinlan

Minute Taker: Jennifer Zahn


Committee Reports



Contact Person

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Alder Update




Additional Discussion Items


Proposal: Hands & Hearts Across South Madison. Guest Stephanie Smith from our neighboring Arboretum Neighborhood Association and Bay Creek resident Cyndi Bryan proposed the Hearts & Hands project for BCNA consideration [possible link - check back in early July]. In a nutshell, the program uses the arts as a vehicle to bring communities (families, neighbors, surrounding neighborhood members) together on a monthly basis. A more thorough presentation will occur at the July meeting.


Madison Metro Transit Enhancement Fund is open to neighborhood associations. Submit proposal for transit related projects by July 1st. Ideas include creating ‘historical preservation’ bus shelters, landscaping, improved / beautified trash cans, street light improvements, public art projects, pedestrian and bicycle access programs, signage enhancements, and improved access for people with disabilities. Candace Pantoga will work on a bus shelter with bike rack proposal. We’ll need to raise matching funds, possibly from area businesses.


Take a Stake in the Lakes Clean Up Party is scheduled for Saturday, June 23rd. Meet at 9 am at the end of O’Sheridan Street to help clean up the bay. Then at noon, move to Brittingham Park for a post-clean-up party. Bring food to share and CDs.


Morningstar Dairy Noise. Currently, a parking lot that is supposed to be used for dairy employee vehicles is actually used to hold refrigeration trucks and trailers, which are extremely loud & disturbing to our BCNA members living in that area. Additionally, some trucks use very loud air horns to open the garage doors. Concerned neighbor Mike Mack would like your suggestions on how to deal with this problem. He has been actively writing to politicos and approaching Morningstar execs to no avail. One suggestion was to circulate a petition for people to sign. Your thoughts?


Next Month’s Agenda Items

Add your agenda item by emailing Jim Winkle

Officer & Committee updates

Metro application update

Hands & Hearts proposal

Quark software purchase for newsletter (talk with Jean Nielsen; SMPC could purchase for BCNA)

Landscaping Around Bay Creek neighborhood signs


Next Facilitator: Candace Pantoga, Steve Davis or Jennifer Zahn, TBA.

Next Meeting: Monday, July 9th, 6:30 pm at the Baha’i Center, 324 W Lakeside Street.


The June BCNA meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.

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